
Welcome to Week 3 of VIM Fit Fest, We hope you are enjoying this virtual wellness experience celebrating Volunteers in Medicine (VIM) Clinic’s 25th Anniversary!

This week we are visiting a little neighborhood park, Martin Luther King Park. This park is a great example of neighborhood parks providing a clean, green spaces for enjoying recreation close to home.

Our Week 3 Challenge is led by Joanie Moore. Joanie has been teaching yoga for over 25 years at The Yoga Center of Stuart. While our previous weeks have been building our strength and endurance, this week we are adding in poses to improve our balance, too.

Joanie begins by demonstrating the Warrior 1 pose. This pose energizes the body and improves focus and stability. Hold this pose for five to six complete breaths (inhales and exhales).

The next pose is Chair pose. This pose stimulates internal organs and strengthens your legs while stretching your shoulders and chest.  Be sure that the knees don’t project out over your toes so that you feel most of the weight in your heels. Hold this pose for five to six breaths.

The final pose is One Legged Chair pose. This pose will improve core strength and balance while also stretching hip flexors. Hold this pose for five to six breaths.

Repeat each of the poses three times for an uplifting and challenging workout to build your balance and flexibility.

Share your progress with the hashtag #vimfitfest and #stuartflparks and post on your favorite social media sites to be entered in our weekly drawing for prizes. This week’s prizes include a yoga or exercise mat and a cool towel to keep you cool with these workout challenges. If you don’t do social media, no worries! Simply send us an email to [email protected] and tell us how you’re doing with your wellness journey and you’ll be entered in the drawing, too.